OUR Mission

To inspire healing by connecting to the elemental wisdom of our Ancestors: Earth, Water, Air, Fire.


Elemental Wellness Apothecary products allow you to invite little pieces of nature into your home and daily rhythm.

Our products are made with care, intention and love. Our hope is that they provide you with a small reminder of the sacred magic present for you, within you and around you in every moment. We believe nature is a mirror, reflecting to you what you need to see and reminding you who you are.

Love, Andrea + Andy

OUR Vision for THE Elemental Wellness Sanctuary

To build an outdoor retreat center, Elemental Wellness Sanctuary, where people come to put down the distractions of the busy world, release stress, and remember what is important. To live in harmony with the land in a self-sustaining way.

All proceeds from product sales will go toward making our vision a reality.